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Game of Shrooms.

Writer: tamzen lundytamzen lundy

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

On Friday 2nd of June I was demonstrating the craft of wet-felt making on behalf of Feltmakers Ireland at the wonderful DCCI craft village at bloom. Did you visit?

Not alone were the gardens at the show fabulous but the sun shone all weekend and us crafters keep crafting and chatting in our little tent, showing the punters what “handmade” really means… i.e., made by hand, who’d have thunk it!

Feltmakers Ireland have just published their new book too and we chatted with anyone who would listen about this- we had it on sale, and I have a few copies to sell at upcoming market.

Next Market I’ll be back at is Purple Llama Christchurch, Celbridge on Sunday 11th 11am-4pm.

Before that, on Saturday I am taking part in the global event “Game of Shrooms”.

Artists across the world artists are “planting” free pieces of mushroom inspired art… in a “finders Keepers” global treasure hunt! So, if you are out for a walk on Saturday 10th, around the Maynooth University campus you might get lucky and come across my offering! Good luck to those taking part and to those artists who participate in community and accessible events, bringing art into public spaces and out of elite gallery locations.

I will also be teaching on Saturday. Cruinnn na Nog is a free day of creativity for children in Ireland. There are many events all over the country. All free and fully accessible. I am teaching wet felt making at Leixlip Library. Really looking forward to inspiring little minds, keeping hands busy and promoting handmade.

I have another workshop at Brookwood pottery. It will be on August 20th. I know that seems ages away, but time keeps creeping up. Getting people to workshops in the height of summer is a little difficult, so I really appreciate you folks spreading the word on this one. It is an August Craft Month event… a new initiative by DCCI Ireland, born out of Covid and our newfound love of trying craft experiences and an effort to get tourists and locals to try out new skills.

you can book here on my website- link below.

My workshop is a “beginner and Basics” event. Only €60 for half a day tuition for 4 participants. You will learn 3 valuable keep skills in felt making. The bobble. The Rope and the Resist. If you think you might want to start this craft… then this mini taster session is the way to get started. These are the key skills you need for 3D felt making. You will go away inspired and equipped to start felting.

Chat soon and remember next markets are:

Celbridge Sunday 11th June 11am-4pm

And Lucan on Saturday 24th 11am-4pm

X Tamzen


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